Cyril×Shamir Support Conversations
C Support
ツィリル: ……シャミアさん。ボクの弓、少しは上達したでしょうか。
Cyril: Hey, Shamir? How do you think I'm doing with my bow lately? Think I'm getting pretty good? I hit closer to the bull's-eye today, and that felt real good.
シャミア: まずまずだな。
Shamir: You were fine.
ツィリル: ……!シャミアさんに褒められた。
Cyril: "Fine"? That might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Shamir.
シャミア: ただ、少し直射が多い。
Shamir: You take too many direct shots though.
ツィリル: だって、直射のほうがよく当たるから。
Cyril: But it's easier if you shoot straight.
シャミア: 気持ちはわかる。だが、敵に近づきすぎだ。
Shamir: Of course it is. But if you can hit your enemy with a straight shot, you're too close. Tell me, Cyril. What's an archer's greatest weakness?
ツィリル: えーと……敵に近づかれると、戦いにくいことです。
Cyril: Umm... When we get too close to the enemy and we can't shoot the way we're supposed to?
シャミア: そうだ。弓兵は常に敵との距離を意識する。
Shamir: Exactly. As an archer, your position is critical. Know exactly how far the enemy is and keep a minimum safe distance. Understood?
ツィリル: 間隔を保つ……はい、何となく。
Cyril: You mean to stay away from the enemies but not too far away or my arrows can't hit 'em.
シャミア: ならば、直射ばかり狙うのは良くない。もう少し曲射を織り交ぜろ。
Shamir: So you understand why you can't rely on straight shots. You have to use curved shots as well.
Never run up to your target. Hit them from a safe range.
ツィリル: 当てに行かない……距離を保つ……。
Cyril: OK, yeah, I get that. I'm gonna go practice some of those curved shots right now.
シャミア: ツィリル、戦場において、距離を支配するのが弓兵だぞ。
Shamir: Shoot 'em from a safe range with curved shots.
ツィリル: 距離を支配する……なんかかっこいいな。ボク、曲射をもっと練習してみます。
Cyril: Archers should always control the battlefield.
シャミア: ふ……君は教え甲斐がある。得な性格だ。
Shamir: You're not a bad student. If nothing else, you have the right attitude.
ツィリル: そうですか?
Cyril: You think so?
シャミア: 次も頑張れ。
Shamir: Keep it up.
ツィリル: はい!
Cyril: I will.
B Support
ツィリル: ……シャミアさん。今日の戦い、どうだったでしょうか。
Cyril: Um, Shamir:? How do you figure I did today? In the battle, I mean.
I tried to not get close to the enemy, and I even used some curved shots just like you taught me, and that was pretty good, huh?
シャミア: ああ。上出来だ。よく距離を支配できていた。
Shamir: You did well. You maintained a safe distance.
ツィリル: やった!シャミアさんに褒められた。
Cyril: "Well"! That's even better than "Fine"!
シャミア: そんなに嬉しいか?
Shamir: Is that worth celebrating?
ツィリル: はい、とても。シャミアさん、いつも厳しいから。
Cyril: Ha! You said I was "fine" before—now you're saying I did well, and that's a big improvement. Especially since everyone knows you're always so strict.
シャミア: そうか?私は、褒める時は褒める。
Shamir: I give praise where it's due.
To that point, you've made incredible progress.
At first you couldn't even draw a bow.
ツィリル: 構えられなかったっていうか、最初は、弓、持たせてもらえなかったし。
Cyril: Um, at first you wouldn't even let me hold a bow.
シャミア: そうだったか?
Shamir: Hah! Really?
ツィリル: 紐のついた棒を持たされて、弓を引く真似を繰り返し繰り返し……
Cyril: You just gave me a stick with a piece of string tied on it, and you made me practice with that.
Honest, I figured you were bullying me.
シャミア: ………………。
Shamir: …
ツィリル: 弓を持たせてもらえたのが、もう少し遅かったら、ボク、やめてたかも。
Cyril: I was really, really close to giving up, but then you finally gave me the bow. I mean it. I was mad. I'd done all the stuff you told me to, and I knew the way I was supposed to stand, and I could pull the string just so, but...
シャミア: もしかしたら、私は君が音を上げるのを待っていたのかもしれん。
Shamir: Maybe I was testing you. Seeing if you'd give up. You're the one who insisted that I teach you archery. I never intended to take you on as my student.
ツィリル: あの時は、もっとレアさまの役に立つには、どうしたらいいかなって考えてて……
Cyril: I just wanted to do whatever I could for Lady Rhea. More than just cleaning and chopping wood and such. I thought maybe I could help with the fighting, but I didn't know anything about swords, and archery was always something that interested me, so... You really helped me out with my dreams, even though you didn't get anything out of it, and that's really nice of you.
シャミア: 何の得もないとまでは言わん。君が強くなれば、味方全員が得をする。
Shamir: I gain nothing personally, but the whole army benefits if you're skilled.
ツィリル: でも、まだ助けられてばかりです。助け合えるように、もっと頑張ります!
Cyril: And those of us from outside of Fódlan should support one another, right? But it's always been you helping me! I'm gonna keep working real hard with that bow so I can help you back.
A Support
シャミア: ツィリル、心して聞け。大事な話だ。
Shamir: Listen carefully, Cyril. This is important. Are you interested in becoming a better archer?
ツィリル: 更に上?もっと上手くはなりたいですけど。
Cyril: Um, yeah. I always wanna get better.
シャミア: ならば、これからは違う人に師事しろ。
Shamir: Good. Then you need to find another teacher.
ツィリル: え? 違う人って……
Cyril: What? Why would I need another teacher?
シャミア: 私以外の誰かに教えを乞え、と言っている。
Shamir: Because I said so.
ツィリル: 何で……ボク、何かシャミアさんに嫌われるようなことしたでしょうか。
Cyril: Have I done something wrong, Shamir?
シャミア: いや、していない。
Shamir: Not at all.
ツィリル: じゃあ、どうして……!
Cyril: Why do I need a new teacher then?!
シャミア: 簡単だ。私には、もう君に教えられることはない。
Shamir: I simply have nothing left to teach you.
ツィリル: そんなことは……!
Cyril: Nah, that can't be true.
シャミア: あるんだ。君と私とでは、戦い方の本質が違う。
Shamir: It is. Your fighting style is fundamentally different from mine. I'm a sniper. I find a secluded spot on the battlefield and pick my enemies off one by one. But you, you're a harrier. You weave in and out of the battlefield, assailing the enemy with rapid fire.
ツィリル: 狙撃と遊撃……?
Cyril: A sniper...and a harrier?
シャミア: そうだ。腕を上げるにつれ、君の本質が見えてきた。
Shamir: Correct. And your progress has revealed where your strengths lie. I've taught you as much as I can. You'll have to find a teacher who specializes in your tactics if you wish to grow.
ツィリル: ………………。
Cyril: Hmm... No. You're my teacher. That's how I want things. I don't know about specializations or whatever, but I know I don't want a different teacher.
シャミア: だが、それではこれ以上の上達は……
Shamir: Then you'll never improve.
ツィリル: ボクは、シャミアさんがいいんです!シャミアさんじゃなきゃ嫌なんです!
Cyril: I'm fine with you, and I don't want anyone else! I only want you, forever and ever!
シャミア: ………………。
Shamir: …
ツィリル: ………………。
Cyril: …
シャミア: わかった。この話は、なしだ。君の気持ち、私も嬉しく思う。
Shamir: OK, Cyril. Let's forget this conversation ever happened. And...thank you. Now stop standing around. We have work to do.
ツィリル: ……はい。
Cyril: Yeah... OK.